
Win­ter Papers Sub­mis­sions 2025

The sub­mis­sion win­dow for the next vol­ume of Win­ter Papers will be open dur­ing the period Wednes­day 5th Feb­ru­ary 2025 to Wednes­day 19th Feb­ru­ary 2025.

We invite sub­mis­sions in short sto­ries, non-​fiction, pho­tog­ra­phy, and visual art.

Please note that we do not accept poetry submissions.

We encour­age sub­mis­sions from mem­bers of groups and com­mu­ni­ties that are tra­di­tion­ally under­rep­re­sented in the arts.

Sub­mis­sion guid­ance for short sto­ries and non-​fiction pieces -

  • Your piece must be pre­vi­ously unpublished.
  • The max­i­mum word limit is 5,000 words.
  • Please sub­mit only one piece of work.
  • Please with­draw your piece if it is accepted elsewhere.
  • We do not con­sider novel extracts.

Please send –

  1. A short para­graph about your work and prac­tice to date
  2. A file with either STORY or NON-​FICTION in the sub­ject header.

To: [email address — enable javascript to view]

Sub­mis­sion guid­ance for visual art/​photography

  • Note that we print in Black and White. Please do not send colour images.

Please send –

  1. A short para­graph about your work and prac­tice to date and
  2. A file with a sam­ple of your images (810 images) and a short para­graph with VISUAL ART or PHO­TOG­RA­PHY in the sub­ject header.

To: [email address — enable javascript to view]

Con­trib­u­tors are paid for their work that appears in the anthol­ogy. Click here to see our Artist Pay­ment Policy.

Con­trib­u­tor pay­ment rates: €500 – €600 depend­ing on length.

We are a very small team, and as we receive a high vol­ume of sub­mis­sions, it can take us some time to con­sider all sub­mis­sions care­fully. We will respond to all sub­mis­sions by the start of August.

Due to the vol­ume of sub­mis­sions we regret that we can­not pro­vide feed­back on unsuc­cess­ful submissions.